National Climate Change Information System
National Climate Change Information System
The South African National Climate Change Information System (NCCIS) is a web-based platform for the tracking, analysis and enhancement of South Africa's progress towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy. The NCCIS offers a series of decision support tools to inform policy and decision-making including a database of adaptation and mitigation actions undertaken by stakeholders across the country.
The South African National Climate Change Information System (NCCIS) is a web-based platform for the tracking, analysis and enhancement of South Africa's progress towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy. The NCCIS offers a series of decision support tools to inform policy and decision-making including a database of adaptation and mitigation actions undertaken by stakeholders across the country.
CCIS Atlas
CCIS Atlas
Explore and view data from the CSIR Green Book's Risk Tool including projections for temperature, rainfall, fire danger, heat stress, groundwater depletion, and coastal flooding. Compare these with average climate metrics including minimum and maximum temperature extremes (1950-2000) derived from the South African Atlas of Agrohydrology and Climatology.
Climate Data:
Datasets incldue climate change projections, average climatological conditions, and historical weather information and climate extremes. Climate Data:
Further Data Collections:
Datasets for assistance in decision making around specific areasFurther Data Collections: